A current of warmth flowed over me and through me beginning at the top of my head, slowly enveloping my entire body, and finishing at my feet. A sweet, engulfing peace covered me, surrounded me and resided inside of me.
I was alongside my friends, my sisters in Christ, and we were interceding for a precious lady and her daughter. We laid hands on her and prayed, and the Lord’s presence was so tangible, that I continually felt the warmth of His love flow inside of me and wrap around me like a plush blanket, fresh from the dryer. Yet so much better...indescribably better.
The precious lady we were praying for was Karen Yallaly. Karen is one of my heroes. She and her husband, R.G., serve couples that are struggling in their marriage. God has used them to save countless marriages, and He continues to work through them powerfully in their “Marriage 911” program at our church (Woodland Hills Family Church). Karen came to our Pure Joy prayer night because she was preparing to share her testimony at the Pure Joy Women’s Conference, and she was rather nervous (3000 women would be in attendance!).

3,000 gathered for Pure Joy 2017!

Karen Yallaly speaking at Pure Joy
As it turned out, Karen needed prayer that night for something much more urgent than her upcoming speaking engagement at Pure Joy. She had just learned that her daughter, Julie, had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. As soon as Karen told us, my heart began to ache. But when we circled around her in prayer, the tears of heartache turned into tears of gratitude. I had gratitude because of hope; hope in Jesus, our Healer.
As we prayed I felt Him with us, undeniably. Just as Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” We prayed for complete healing in Jesus’ name for Julie. I left the prayer meeting that night feeling completely at peace that the Lord had Karen, R.G., and Julie in His hands.
When Julie went back to her doctor the next day, tests were done, and then the following day, PRAISE BE TO OUR AMAZING GOD, she received the news: there was NO CANCER! Julie was healed! Not a trace of cancer in her body!
This. This is a miracle and a testament to our Heavenly Father! There is no one like Him!
God did not stop there! He answered our prayers beyond our wildest imaginations: during the Pure Joy prayer nights, during the prayer time at the Pure Joy event, and during the weeks afterward. More testimonies of His work continue to come forth! Additionally every person in attendance was able to exchange their own prayer request for someone else’s on a little 3×5 note card. Sickness, depression, brokenness, addiction…impossible situations…healed in Jesus’ Name!
The power of praying in one accord with other believers, with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength is extremely powerful! Not because of us, but because of Who we are praying to: Almighty God!
Psalm 66:19-20 “God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!”
Psalm 150:1-2, 6 “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
More Pictures From Pure Joy 2017
For more info about Pure Joy plese go to http://www.purejoyonline.org
Photo Credit: Patience Griffin and Felicia Pettigrew