I’ve always been an animal lover. (Just call me Ace Ventura Jr.) Ha! But seriously, you could say that God has used animals to teach me about Him and His ways. Let me explain with 6 Animal Friends, 6 Valuable Lessons:
#1 The Horse
One time I had a really stubborn horse named “Country Boy.” He was a beautiful Leopard Appaloosa, and he lived up to his wild sounding breed name! He did not want to listen or obey and pretty much just wanted to throw me off his back!

Country Boy
In stark contrast, I had “Junior” who had a “reining ear.” He was tuned in and listening, and could be guided by his master’s voice, without physical force. I always thought, “If Country Boy would trust me and just be obedient like Junior, he would enjoy life so much more!”
I pray to have a “reining ear” tuned in to God! I desire to be at least as wise as a good horse!
“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28

The Joy of A “Reining Ear”
#2 The Dog
Ol’ Red is kind of like my 3rd child. All day long I talk baby talk to him, feed him, and pet him. I even let the neighbor dog come over for play dates everyday! But when it’s hot outside, I don’t take him with me to run errands because I cannot leave him in the car. Oh you should see how he carries on and cries when I leave him! There is no way he could understand that it’s because I love him and am protecting him. See, all day long God blesses us and loves us, but sometimes He says, “No.” There’s no way we, as humans, can always understand why…but we can trust God knows ALL and loves us beyond our understanding.
That’s why we should praise Him regardless and need to stay humble and trusting. Otherwise we are bitter at the One who loves us most!
Great thing about dogs: they’re unconditional love is truly inspiring. Without fail when I get home, Ol’ Red’s tail is wagging and he is so happy!

My Fur Baby
#3 The Deer
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” Psalm 42:1
We have a neighborhood deer that uses our pot of flowers as his own personal salad bowl!

Our Neighborhood Deer
I’ve learned that deer are really good at getting what they like to eat (like our precious flowers) and they always stay fairly close to water. They are focused on seeking what gives them life. The last time I saw our deer, I asked myself: Do I thirst for God like a deer pants for water? The answer is: yes! I’m always thirsting for Him, but sometimes, if I’m honest, I try to quench my thirst with comfort food, TV, people, shopping and so on. But I love Jesus’ words, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink…Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38. Yes! I want to be like a deer: focused on what truly brings life: The refreshing, renewing, living water of Jesus Christ. He alone satisfies!
#4 The Cat
In my experience, cats tend to “disappear” for awhile, no matter how well they have it at home. After 55 days lost, our Kitty made it home…skinny and looking rough, but as soon as she jumped in my lap, she was purring and content once again.

The Prodigal Cat
I couldn’t help but think of the story of the prodigal son. It’s my favorite 🙂 I got to play the part of the Father who welcomed the lost child, loved on him and celebrated that he had come home. This illustration by Jesus to explain the Father’s love for us overwhelms me! No matter where we have been or what we have done, He is waiting with open arms for us to come home so He can bless us and love us and give us everything that is His!
I encourage you: Read Luke 15 (story of the prodigal son) and ponder on the way God loves you!
#5 The Eagle
The most inspiring animal I’ve learned from is the eagle. When a storm hits, an eagle sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. Isn’t that amazing?! While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above. It actually uses the storm to lift it higher. I want to imitate an eagle in dealing with adversity. If we will set our minds and our hearts toward God, He will help us use the winds of adversity to rise higher! The storms do not have to overcome us any more than they overcome the eagle.
Isaiah 40:31 says, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Soaring Eagle
#6 The Butterfly
One morning I sat on my front porch to pray. I was feeling anxious since my children and husband were traveling…and then a little butterfly landed on the flowers next to me. Instantly I received peace. God who created such intricate beauty…is in control! Everything has its start and finish in God and God alone!

Beautiful Messenger
We can learn so much from God’s creation. Psalm 19 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.” Everywhere we look, we can see God’s work, and it can speak to our heart. When I stop to think about the many lessons I’ve learned through His creation, His animals and beyond…I see His power, His intelligence, His creativity His beauty and His love… how can I ever doubt His plan and His promise that He will work all things together for the good.❤️
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