Sometimes We Need A Good Ol’ Thump On The Head!

Carolyn HillFaith, Uncategorized

For Our Own Good

“You have got to be kidding me! How could they not see the stinkin’ signs? How could they possibly think this was gonna turn out well?”

I could. Not. Believe. It.

A gargantuan construction truck driver tried to ram himself through the small gate of our neighborhood, and the debris went flying! It’s a small exit (11′ clearance!). The craziest thing is that there are 2 signs clearly warning over-sized trucks to STOP and use the alternate way that is right for them! But for whatever reason, this dude wasn’t having it! The results: property damaged, money and time wasted, and everyone inconvenienced. Boo!

As I was ranting about this predicament in my head, a thought hit me like a good old fashioned thump on the head: What I’ve just witnessed here is a visual demonstration of what I’ve actually been doing in my own life! I’ve been going the wrong way!! I’ve chosen to ignore the signs right in front of me and have blatantly disobeyed. I’ve caused a lot of damage and inconvenience also! The right way was presented and I chose to go my own way. Wowza. 

When I saw that construction truck going the wrong way despite the warning signs, and the after effects,  it was like my own habitual sin crystallized in my mind!  I could see that it was just as bad, and stupid!

But you know what? Even though it was like an old-fashioned thump on the head, I am so incredibly grateful for it!  I don’t want to be like a stubborn and thickheaded horse anymore. I don’t want to resist God’s leading! 

Stubborn Horse

 I want to see my sin exactly as it is and turn from it…truly repent…and instead go the right way…God’s way.

I’m not sure why the crazy construction truck driver dudes went the wrong way? Maybe they were very distracted? Maybe they didn’t believe the signs were accurate/true? Maybe they thought the warnings didn’t apply to them? Maybe they would rather take the risk than humbly submitting? Who knows? I can relate to every excuse.

 I believe the reason I was able to see my sin so clearly this time was because I have been praying scriptures over myself.  (See ). God is transforming me. I’m coming out of a victim mentality and taking responsibility. This is Big! 

Has the Lord been giving you some warning signs too? I encourage you to go His way, no matter how much “easier” it might seem to go your own way instead. Dear friends, this is the truth: when I first started praying scriptures over myself, I wasn’t quite ready to see how dumb I had been acting! But through the process of praying His powerful word, God has strengthened me to really see the truth! And once I really saw it, I truly wanted His way, not my own. 

Lord, help us to see that your way is always best! Please help us when we are distracted, disbelieving, deceived or determined in our sin! Only You can help us go the right way, thank you for the guidance of the Holy Spirit! Thank you for your love, grace, mercy, and truth! Amen!

Psalm 139:23-24  (KJV)
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

P.S.  Our gate has since been repaired and The Lord is repairing me! There really is nothing beyond His power and redemption!